Monday, August 1, 2011

Confrontation-Alchemist of Dirz (Characters, Mages, and Monks)

Well I have finally pulled my self away from World Of  Tanks long enough to finish this series. I have already shown you my Wolfen of Yilla, my Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor, as well as the first half of my Alchemist of Dirz models.

This post will cover the second half of my painted Dirz models; the characters, magicians, and monks. As with the other armies I tend to be easily distracted and many of them are unfinished.

Dirz Character Monk Sykho Volesterus
  Sykho Volesterus is one of the first models from the Confrontation range to catch my attention. When I first noticed Rackham's minis it was while I was working on an Emperors Children army for Warhammer 40k. This model had a similar feel to what I was wanting from my Slaaneesh models. Little Barrera found it in a game store while visiting his brother and decided it was for me. Along with the model came the rules.

Dirz Character Monk Sykho Volesterus
 We had been playing Confrontation for quite a while before this model saw the table or even paint. You see in the version on Confrontation we started with (v2.0) this model lacked much use. It was not until later editions did he start to find his place. Unfortunately he was never finished.

Dirz Character Sin Assyris
Dirz Character Sin Assyris
 Sin Assyris was one of the first characters I regularly used in my Confrontation armies. It was not only a model that I liked the look of but I also like the way he played in the game. His ability to deflect attacks and turn them back on the attacker made him especially useful.

Dirz Character Vargas Metatron
Dirz Character Vargas Metatron
 Vargas is one of the models that has gotten some of the most usage with exception of a few trooper models. He has the ability to inspire others and is fairly inexpensive so he tended to be the go to guy for me. Even now I find my self including him in armies when I am worried about my forces succumbing to fear.

Dirz Character Arkeon Sanath
Dirz Character Arkeon Sanath
Dirz Character Arkeon Sanath
 For a time Arkeon Sanath was the character loved the most by me and hated the most by my opponents. He has some special rules that allowed him to work himself into such a frenzy that he could continue fighting fight after fight as long as he could find living opponents.

Dirz Vicar of Dirz
Dirz Vicar of Dirz

 The Vicar of Dirz is a non-character monk that gained much more use when v3.0 came out. More specifically they gained more use when Rackham released the Ira Tenebrae models. The vicar had the ability to summon the Ira Tenebrae so his use was multiplied. If it had not been for that I doubt this model would have seen the table for me. His stats are good, but the Vicar is one of the few Dirz model I do not really like.

Dirz Musician
Dirz Musician
 I know this is supposed to be Characters, Mages, and Monks, but I had to include the musician. You rarely see musician or standards fielded in Confrontation unless they are done in what is called a War Staff. The war staff gives you the ability to spread out the affects of your characters ability to lead. With that in mind I felt it only appropriate that he is included in this post.

Dirz Scorpion Oriflamme
Dirz Scorpion Oriflamme
 Ahh the Scorpion Oriflamme. This is one of my favorite Dirz models. He was ofter fielded as a normal standard bearer because I love the model but did not see me using my standard bearer the way this model is intended to be used.

Dirz Biopsist
Dirz Biopsist
Dirz Biopsist

  There are two different model and profiles for the Dirz Biopsist. This is the one I prefer. I love the sculpt and I was fairly pleased with the way the paint job came out. I often refer to this model as "the old Asian woman" because his hat reminds me of the hat one of our neighborhood ladies wore when she was out working in her yard.
Scorpion Neuromancer
Scorpion Neuromancer
 The last model I have included here is the Scopion Neuromancer. This model is largely unfinished but I included him anyway. I love this sculpt and it gave me the opportunity to attempt a few things that I was not that familiar with. The first would be the freehanded designs on the lower left (our left) or the model. It was something that was prevalent on many of Rackham's company paint jobs, and was something I wanted to start including in my future paint jobs. The second was the source lighting on the orb in his hands. I am not sure I was on the right path, but I think the result was pretty good. In addition I continued to work on my NMM metals on this model.

Well I hope you have enjoyed seeing my Confrontation models. Many of them are unfinished but yet they are model I am proud of because of where they are at and how they look at the point they are. Maybe someday I will be able to continue them and bring you some finished pictures.

As for Confrontation the game itself. Well that is a different story probably for a different time. I will say this though, I probably got more enjoyment out of playing Confrontation than I have from any other game I played. In addition almost all of my great gaming memories have come from times I was playing this game. With the current movement by Legacy miniature to resurrect the model line and the hope that the game as well will come with it , there has been some life to my Confrontation gaming. Regardless of how long it last, I am sure there will be more stories to add to the ones I already have.

1 comment:

CreativeName said...

I still have my druid witches models from Confrontation. I really enjoyed playing Dogs of War. The game started off like a sprint at our LGS but quickly died for reasons I'll never understand. The model rang e is so well done that I could never bring myself to get rid of them. I wish they would bring it back but i wont hold my breath.